Happy House

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아이작★마이클의 질문 100개로 시작하는 초등 영작문 ②
아이작★마이클의 질문 100개로 시작하는 초등 영작문 ②

저자 : 아이작 더스트, 마이클 풋럭
출간 : 2007.10.01
구성 : 200쪽 / 본책 + 오디오 CD 2개
가격 : 절판
수량 :


이 책을 통해 영작문을 처음 시작하는 학생들이 영어 라이팅에 자신감을 갖게 되고, 튼튼한 기초 위에 진정한 실력을 쌓게 되기를 바랍니다.

≪질문 100개로 시작하는 초등 영작문 (100 Questions Writing)≫은 영작문을 처음 시작하는 초등학생들도 이 책의 100가지 질문에 대한 답을 하나씩 공부하면서 영어로 말할 수 있게 되고, 자연스럽게 글로 쓸 수 있게 되며, 자신이 쓴 문장들을 모아 주제에 맞는 일기, 편지, 저널 등을 완성할 수 있게 됩니다.



    My House
    Question 051 What is in your bedroom?
    Question 052 What color is your bedroom?
    Question 053 Where is your desk?
    Question 054 What’s your favorite thing in your bedroom?
    Question 055 What is your bedroom like?
    Review Questions 051~055

    My Bedroom
    Question 056 What time do you get up?
    Question 057 What do you do in the morning?
    Question 058 What do you do in the afternoon?
    Question 059 What do you do in the evening?
    Question 060 What time do you go to bed?
    Review Questions 056~060

    My Day
    Question 061 What time do you get up?
    Question 062 What do you do in the morning?
    Question 063 What do you do in the afternoon?
    Question 064 What do you do in the evening?
    Question 065 What time do you go to bed?
    Review Questions 061~065

    My Homeroom Teacher
    Question 066 Who is your homeroom teacher?
    Question 067 What does he teach?
    Question 068 What kind of teacher is he?
    Question 069 What kind of work does he give you?
    Question 070 What do you think of his classes?
    Review Questions 066~070

    My Field Trip
    Question 071 Where are you going today?
    Question 072 How are you going to get there?
    Question 073 What will you do there?
    Question 074 What will you see there?
    Question 075 What are you going to buy there?
    Review Questions 071~075

    Arguing with Someone
    Question 076 What’s the matter?
    Question 077 When did it happen?
    Question 078 What did you do to each other?
    Question 079 What did you argue about?
    Question 080 How did the matter end?
    Review Questions 076~080

    My Favorite Season
    Question 081 Which season do you like the best?
    Question 082 What is the scenery like then?
    Question 083 What do you enjoy wearing that season?
    Question 084 Where do you usually go during that season?
    Question 085 What do you often do during that season?
    Review Questions 081~085

    My Health
    Question 086 How do you feel today?
    Question 087 What’s the matter with you?
    Question 088 What did you do yesterday?
    Question 089 What are you going to do about it?
    Question 090 How will you feel soon?
    Review Questions 086~090

    My Pet
    Question 091 What kind of pet do you have?
    Question 092 What is your pet’s name?
    Question 093 What does your pet usually eat?
    Question 094 What special things can your pet do?
    Question 095 What do you often do with your pet?
    Review Questions 091~095

    My Hobby
    Question 096 What is your hobby?
    Question 097 Where do you usually do that?
    Question 098 Why do you like your hobby?
    Question 099 What do you need to do your hobby?
    Question 100 What is the best thing about your hobby?
    Review Questions 096~100

    부록 Appendix
    1. 50 Questions and Answers List
    2. 200 Words and Expressions
    3. Answer Key
    4. My Writing Book

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